Magdalena Bay, off the western coast of Mexico Baja California Sur, side of Pacific Ocean, is a destination which remained quite remote, despite it is rather easy to access. Along the road to go there, the large coloumnar cactus stand out from the sierra, stinging sentinels safeguarding a country with dazzling light and turquoise blue waters. Sandy dunes extend to infinity and to the horizon : they bring us to the ocean, for timeless activities.

You could visit Mexico a hundred times, enjoy a hundred different sports and never end with anything close to the sheer awe and magnificence of snorkelling side by side with a pack of striped marlins, sealions, sailfish, pelicans, frigate birds and more pure wildlife, which cooperates to gather and chasing bait fish, getting mad when they frenzy banquet of sardines bait ball.

Striped marlins are apex predators of the open ocean and a highly migratory pelagic species, broadly distributed throughout tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters. But the ridges, peaks, banks, and underwater structure of Pacific Ocean, offshore Magdalena Bay, offer a reliable place to interact with them. Obviousy we are talking about a total wild, fast, shy, hypersensitive species, and every possible encounter depends on many natural elements : nothing is guarantee in open ocean, during total wild behaviours.

Striped marlins are fascinating fish, for many reasons. For us, it is quite unbelievable how they change the colours patterns of their 12-16 blue vertical bars in just a blink of an eye, since they light up from regular blue to a phosphorescent blue or lavender, via the contraction or expansion of chromatophores (special pigmented cells); their capability of swimming large distances and speeding up to 80 km/h, third after the blue marlin (130 km/h) and the sailfish (110 km/h), via the anatomy of their bodies and the elongated tail lobes, which reach undisturbed water beyond the turbulence created by their bodies.

The group size is limited to max 5 participants plus the guides.

Classic tour 2025

18 – 26 Nov
four spaces

Tour 2026

on request

Magdalena Bay

ins  and  outs

Your journey

We operate with one of the more experienced captain and fisherman of Puerto San Carlos, specialized in offering unique in-water activities (snorkelling and free-diving) with wildlife.
On the Ocean, you will listen only the sound of the waves and the cries of the marine birds. The skipper will scrutinize the surface in search of bait-ball signals and then give the signal for sliding in the water : it’s our duty to stay calm, don’t panic as the marlins’ action will increase, to move deliberately and stay at the side of the bait-balls.

In details

Classic tour. 7 days, 7 nights :
5 full days at sea, from morning to evening, depending on the actions and our souls ;
half day excursion to the dune, the intricate mangrove’s system and to the Isla de Patos, a sanctuary for waterbirds;
7 nights’ accommodation in hotel or country hotel , services in bed and breakfast ;
private use of the panga (with covering, no bathroom) ;
skilled captain.
The group size is limited to max 5 participants plus the guides.

Is this trip right for you ?

You need to be patient and resolute, strong and at your ease in open ocean. A good swimmer and open-minded people.
Be conscious that might be days without any good situations to enter the water and potential uncom-fortable navigation.
Swimming with wildlife in Pacific Ocean can be challenging and you need dedication.
For fellows who are not addicted on schedules, as the programme might change without prior warning in order to grasp the better opportunities.